What we do.
Pingala is a sanskrit word that is fun to say and it means "sun energy". Seeing how all of the foods we prepare here feed on that energy, as do the hustle & bustle food truck cultures of the world, it seemed rather fitting. Oh, and sanskrit is the language tied to yoga, and lots of us are into doing yoga.
Amongst fresh juices, smoothies, salads, and light bites, some of our offerings resemble their more naughty counterparts (ie. bacon, burgers). Except at Pingala, our menu is 100% plant-based and our ingredients are packed with easily assimilated nutrients, so they nourish the body while satiating hunger and delighting the palate. Vegan diets have been proven to boost energy, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.
With everything from peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and the vegan Crunchwrap that blew Guy Fieri away, to Carrot Dawgs (oh hello, did someone say smoked carrots?!), our menu offers a worldly array of classic comfort foods with a creative twist. Whether you're looking for something familiar or wanting to dip into new territory (Green pea, chickpea N’avocado mash? Don't mind if I do), you'll feel right at home in our cozy corner of the Chace Mill.
Did you know that to produce one pound of animal protein vs. one pound of soy protein, it takes about 12 times as much land, 13 times as much fossil fuel, and 15 times as much water? We see it as our responsibility, as citizens of the Earth, to do our part to work toward a healthy planet. Eating the amazing food at Pingala is one easy, and delicious way, to engage in conscious environmentalism.
Who’s all there?
Pingala Cafe is a warm, welcoming place that serves up food truck inspired cuisine & culture, and, it just so happens to be one of the most magical places on earth. Here at Pingala, we have an inside-out approach to everything we do; It's not the food we make, it's why we make it. It's not the ingredients we use, it's the ingredients we don't use. And it's not to turn everybody vegan, It's to make vegan food fun, delicious, and approachable. Having said that, most of us here at Pingala believe that veganism is an extremely liberating, thriving, and enjoyable lifestyle that can work for everyone. Our operation is a labor of love. We really do look forward to serving you. Thank you.
How are you different, tho?
AH-HA, yes! Fantastic question. Aside from serving up all the staples like coffee, tea, salads, burgers, sandwiches, and smoothies, we offer a totally unique atmosphere: we bring the outside, inside. When you walk into Pingala,the murals on the walls make you feel like you've steeped into a Vermont landscape complete with mountains, gardens, trees, sunshine, and a food truck! That's right folks, the exterior of our kitchen walls have been rigged up to make you feel like you are ordering your meal from a food truck! Our menu is worldly, innovative, and affordable, and our service is simple, casual, and fast. Unlike outdoor food trucks however, we provide guests with a cozy, bright, and comfortable place to sit and enjoy their dining experience.
The Café Mission
We are on a mission to turn you on through the super tasty food we make. Because together we can help change the world in a positive way. By chowing down on more food like the food we make and less food like the food the other guys make, we are seriously reducing your carbon footprint every time you eat. Which might be a lot if you're like me.

Let’s Be Friends
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